Decluttering 2012 – January

I have found so much great stuff on Pinterest that I just have to share it!! One of the things I found was a Decluttering calendar for 2012! It has one small item you can do daily to help declutter your life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. You can check out My Simpler Life to see the entire years calendar.

Here are a few Declutter & Organizing Tips from the website:
– If you don’t have a certain item or area in the calendar, take a break or finish one that’s incomplete.
– These organizing tips aren’t the only way to organize things. If your current way works – leave it. And if you want other ideas do a search for the area you are playing with.
– Clean areas after you declutter. for instance, if you are decluttering a shelf take everything off the shelf, clean it and then put back what you are keeping.
– If you are unsure about an item, put it in a box labeled with the room and date in 6 months. If you need an item from the box you can get it. In 6 months, you can safely declutter the box.
– Declutter with boxes/bags – give away, put away and trash bag.
– Absolutely no beating yourself up if you don’t finish a day. Just start again the next day.
– Visualize an area as you want it to be, before decluttering.
– Declutter with a friend, music or other ways to make it more fun.
– Put things you use most often in the easiest places to access.
– Organize based on how you do things. If you always dump your keys on the front table, don’t create a key rack. Instead, put a key bowl on the front table.

You can do this!!

About jodidanziger

St Louis Native. Proud University of Kansas Alumni. Kansas City Realtor. Social Media, Dog & Exercising lover. Purse & Shoe addict. Social Butterfly. And so much more!
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