Identity theft has always been a problem, but it seems to be in the news a lot more these days. I’m sure everyone heard of the big security breach with Target. It’s hard to protect yourself 100%, but there are a few things you CAN do to help prevent identity theft.
Here are a few suggestions from ShopSmart Magazine:
One of the easiest ways to avoid Identity Theft is to get smart about shredding. Any paperwork that lists credit-card, checking-account information, social security numbers or other personal data should be shredded. A few items that should ALWAYS be shredded:
– Credit-card Information – Expired credit cards and prescreened credit-card offers and applications (even if they contain incorrect data).
– Monthly Bills – if you bank online and don’t need the portion of the bill you would enclose with your check in the return envelope, shred them ASAP. Those payment coupons may contain your full account number.
– Workplace Documents – Shred your pay stubs, 1099s and any other tax-related papers that are more than seven years old.
– Financial Statements – Monthly or quarterly statements from your bank, credit-card companies, 401(k) administrator, broker, etc.
– IDs – That includes all old ID cards, expired licenses, and anything with your Social Security number on it.
– Medical Forms – They could include a member ID number.
– Mail from a Financial Institution – Even documents that don’t have account info can leave you exposed.
– Mail from Companies you’ve done Business with – Thieves could call you masquerading as a rep from, say, a hotel you’ve stayed in recently and try to trick you into disclosing info.
Of course there are other ways that Identity Thieves can get you information, but these are a few great tips to help avoid it.
Where any of these new to you??