(Low) Maintenance Freezer

Maintenance Tips to get your Freezer ready for Popsicle Season (courtesy of Real Simple Magazine)

Clean the Interior twice a year: No need to unplug the refrigerator – that will waste energy. But do move the food to a cooler. Wipe the walls and the shelves using a cloth and a mix of dish soap & water. Rinse & dry thoroughly. To clean the door seal, wrap a credit card in a cloth, dip it in soapy water, and glide it into the groovers. Nix odors with a box of baking soda.

Vacuum the condenser coils once a year: Dust keeps the engine from running smoothly. Move the unit to get to coils in the back, or if the coils are located in front, snap off the lower grill. Then unplug and vacuum using the brush attachment. There should be three inches of space between the wall and the unit on the sides one inch in the rear.

Maintain the proper temperature: Ideally that is 0 degrees Fahrenheit. To see how cold your freezer is, leave a thermometer in a cup of vegetable oil in the freezer overnight. Still too warm after lowering the setting? Check that cold air isn’t escaping. Stick a dollar bill in the door-jam, close, and try to slide out the bill. For optimum efficiency, keep the freezer stocked and away from direct sunlight, a stove, or a dishwasher.

About jodidanziger

St Louis Native. Proud University of Kansas Alumni. Kansas City Realtor. Social Media, Dog & Exercising lover. Purse & Shoe addict. Social Butterfly. And so much more!
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